An Instagram photographer is someone who takes pictures of people, places, or their interests and shares them with the world on Instagram. It is a fun way to share your life and keep in touch with friends. If you are thinking about becoming an instagram photographer, then read this article to learn some of the basics!
Tips for the best instagram photographer
Stay in touch with your followers
People want to see what you are doing. Be active on Instagram, and post frequently. Try not to leave it more than a day before posting something again. This will keep your followers interested in what you are doing and why you need to follow back!
Choose the right geolocation for your pictures
Think about where the images will be used. If the images are going to be put on prints, choose a location that is close to where the prints will be sold. If you are going to use them online or as screenshotted images, then choose a more distant location so that viewers can zoom in on them and see more details!
Have fun while taking photos.
Use great lighting, try to capture the personality of your subjects and use a nice backdrop. These will make the images more interesting, and your followers will want to follow you.
Use filters if you have them.
Some people love using filters on their pictures, but others think that it makes the photos look really boring and dull. Your decision is completely up to you! Experiment with different filters to see what looks good and what does not work for you or your followers!
Don’t hide behind a filter crop.
Take the time to edit your pictures, but don’t use a filter so heavily that your picture looks nothing like it used to. Always use filters you can adjust!
Make it look good.
Use a quality camera and buy good lenses to help you get better pictures. Do not just try to get by with what you have. Invest in great equipment or your photos will not look very good! Also, make sure you have room in the frame for everything you want in it and then crop out the excess space when sharing your Instagram images online! This will create less of a file size and people will be able to see more detail without having too much pixelation or blurriness in your image.
Get creative.
Don’t just take pictures of people in boring places, get creative and think about locations that are interesting to you and how you can make them interesting for your followers. You can use this same technique for making your own images look interesting and special!
Experiment with different types of photography.
Try not to get stuck in one area of photography, especially if you are just starting out! Take pictures of landscapes, cars, and landscapes on the beach! Different types of photography can help you learn new techniques that will help you to get better at what makes your Instagram photos so attractive.
Becoming an Instagram photographer is super fun, but it will take a lot of hard work and practice to get there! Take photos of all sorts of locations, and try to keep a positive attitude about each one. The more positive you are about what you are doing on Instagram, the more likely your followers will be to follow your account.