Whichever personal injury case you are fighting, be it a slip and fall accident or an auto accident case, you will have to deal with the insurance companies. While you were signing the insurance, the insurance companies had promised you stars and moon. But at the time you will claim compensation, they will try to pay you the least amount possible. They might speak very pleasantly with you and act as your well-wisher, but here be aware of them. A lawyer at Turco Legal, P.C. has listed a few ways that the insurance company uses the clients. Keep reading to keep yourself safe.
Pressuring you
As soon as you notify your insurance company, they will offer you immediate compensation. Do not accept that. In most cases, it is seen that they offer lowball compensation. They cut any future expenses and offer to pay only the present amount that has accumulated.
Force you to Sign Authorization Paper
The insurers will ask you to sign authorization papers giving them permission to access your medical records. You have to do it in order to get compensation for your medical expenses. But the problem is that they will get access to all your medical history.
They will go through your previous medical history and try to establish that the injuries that you have injured in the accident are due to previous medical ailments. In this way, they will try to cut short the medical expenses that you deserve.
Thus, before signing any paper, talk to your personal injury lawyer.
Try to take written statements
The insurance company will ask you questions and the answers you provide will be twisted and turned by them to use against you. Thus it is suggested that you do not talk to your insurance company in the absence of your lawyer. The best way to deal with the insurance company is by allowing your lawyer to speak to them.
Now that you know the ways your insurance company will try to frame you, you can be careful while you are with them. When you hire a personal injury lawyer, it is their duty to deal with the company. Ensure the layer you are hiring has good negotiating skills. The lawyer knows the trick the insurers play and they can overpower the companies.